The Advantages of Cloud ERP for Manufacturers

Diane Harvey
Diane Harvey
Updated on

Cloud ERP for manufacturers is actually a smart technology choice. It offers companies of all sizes more control over their finances and operations, which can improve efficiencies, boost productivity, and give manufacturing businesses the edge they need to succeed in today’s challenging business environment. The trend toward cloud ERP is hard to ignore even for manufacturing companies that may have been wary of moving from on-premises to the cloud.

In this article, we will look at three main advantages of cloud ERP for manufacturers.

Lower Initial Investment

Direct implementation ERP solutions require the upfront cost of buying, housing, maintaining, and deploying servers. Additional costs include configuring and deploying your software in a timely manner. These costs can quickly add up to thousands of pounds – serious money invested in a time constraint to deliver.

Cloud ERP does not require that you pay for the infrastructure required to host the ERP software. You only need to pay for the hardware and software that you need to interface with it. Therefore, there is a much lower initial investment.

Reduced Technical implications

As cloud-based ERP for manufacturers applications do not require installation and integration of additional hardware, you will be able to minimize the complexity of your infrastructure, without compromising on performance or functionality.

By offloading technical support to the cloud provider, enterprises are able to reduce installation costs and eliminate the need to hire additional technical staff to manage the ERP.

Increased ROI

One key advantage of a cloud ERP for manufacturers is that it has the ability to be implemented and integrated faster into business day-to-day activity.

This results in a quick ROI for your business.

In conclusion

Manufacturing companies have specific needs and goals that can be met through cloud computing. Many manufacturers are in the midst of the shift to cloud computing, as it’s a great solution for the unique challenges they face in business. Cloud ERP for manufacturers contains many features that are tailored to manufacturing companies, such as controls over labour costs and inventory management. These companies need efficient production planning, execution, and tracking—which is something many cloud-based ERP systems provide. Cloud ERP offers businesses a way to get the capabilities of an on-premise ERP system at a fraction of the cost.

 If you are looking at ways to reduce costs, improve efficiency and gain greater control over your business with a cloud ERP for manufacturers system – contact us today!

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