Signum Solutions attended the FDMB Live event!

Diane Harvey
Diane Harvey
Updated on

As the strategic software partner for Food and Drink Means Business, Signum joined many other exhibitors, delegates and very special guests at the second FDMB Live event on Friday 27th September at the J36 conference centre in Cumbria.

Our exhibition stand was bustling with familiar and new faces, all eager to learn about ways ERP can help SMEs in the Food & Beverage industry grow. We were joined by an amazing group of exhibitors like Ellison Printing, Smoothie PR and Nowt Poncy, who not only had amazing stands but were on hand to offer delegates business tips and advice based around real life experiences. The day provided plenty of helpful information for delegates to get tucked into.

Alongside the exhibition, there were some amazing guest speakers who were on hand to not only share knowledge but to inspire the passion for growth amongst the delegates. We heard from the event organizer; Food and Drink Means Business’s Paul Caunce, Bidfood, Claire Brumby, Sugarwise’s Rend Plantings and many more.

As FDMB’s software partner, we were also invited to host an interactive workshop delving into The Software Conundrum. We discussed, debated and explored the costly mistakes that food & beverage companies can make and how you can avoid them.

The event was a sold-out success and all the attendees left inspired and excited for the future. We’re even more excited for FDMB Live.

This event really did prove that Food and Drink companies in the North West really do Mean Business!

Watch our highlight reel from FDMB live here


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