SAP Business One Case Study: PolyGlobal

Victoria Longbottom
Updated on

Meet the company that future proofs company growth with SAP Business One in the Cloud – Read the PolyGlobal Case Study 

This case study describes how PolyGlobal adopted SAP Business One in order to manage all aspects of its complex logistics operations.

Through its robust ERP implementation using SAP Business One, PolyGlobal has improved overall financial control, streamlined processes across several major business lines, and enhanced management capabilities with real-time access to business data.

They needed the capabilities of SAP Business One for their rapid expansion plans. PolyGlobal are now working more efficiently, which has saved both time and money.

Their biggest challenge was keeping their manufacturing processes competitive and cost effective, whilst at the same time improving customer service and quality control.

When PolyGlobal were searching for a solution that would provide them with business intelligence, greater efficiency and peace of mind, they chose SAP Business One.

Once SAP Business One was implemented, PolyGlobal could instantly see the benefits of a streamlined accounting system. Now, they have a clear overview of the business and a competitive advantage that allows them to plan for growth rather than just dealing with day-to-day activities.

With a unified system of record at the heart of a global organisation comes a clear advantage – reduced complexity. PolyGlobal have reduced error, removed data entry bottlenecks, simplified entire business processes and reduced the time taken to do things. In essence, staff have more time to focus on their day-to-day interactions with the market and brand.

“We needed a scalable, integrated solution that could grow with the business, offer accurate insight into all areas and provide easy access to real time information” Andy Young: PolyGlobal, Sales & Marketing Manager


Download the SAP Business One case study to find out how PolyGlobal achieved their goals.


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