Process Manufacturing: Who Needs Process Oriented Bills of Materials?

Diane Harvey
Diane Harvey
Updated on

Process manufacturing can be very tricky. It involves a lot of safety and security checks that cannot be missed. It also has numerous other challenges that go with it. However, process manufacturing is just as important to the overall supply chain as any other type of manufacturing is.

Manufacturers are well aware that compliance is top priority when it comes to making products that are for public consumption.

When it comes to process manufacturing and creating recipes and formulations, product structures can be difficult and time consuming to keep track of. Each recipe usually has a number of components involved in it. For example, a coffee plant may have hundreds of ingredients that go into one coffee drink or chocolate bar, for example. This can mean that potential wastage is avoided if particular ingredients are not delivered on time – something which could happen if staff are not fully aware of what they are required to use within each recipe. This is one example of how process oriented bills of materials could be used to streamline activity within the manufacturing process.”

If you are part of a food manufacturing company that deals with recipes or a chemicals company that creates formulations, the answer is relatively simple.

Think about how your process manufacturing business currently completes the following processing to create bills of materials and consider the difference it would make if there was a simple and flexible solution that could keep track of absolutely everything, alongside all of your business functions such as ordering, reporting, accounting etc.
  • Items – define materials  within the product structure
  • CoProducts – define a product that is usually manufactured together with another product
  • ByProducts – define material of value produced as a residual of the production process
  • WIPItems – define work in progress materials for reporting and visibility purposes
  • Scrap – define the scrap that is produced during production
  • Simple or Product Formulas – define simple or formula based relationships between materials and parent products
  • Scrap, Yield and Factors – define value and percentage uplifts for materials
  • Revision – define revision specific product structures
  • Phantoms – define phantom product structures
  • Multi-level – define multi-level product structures
  • Attachments – to define and link to detailed instructions, procedures, videos and other such media files
  • Warehouse – define the warehouse where the product is produced
  • Back Flush Location – define the warehouse where material is back flushed
  • Project – define the project associated with this product for reporting purposes
  • Distribution Rule – define the distribution rule for financial transactions
  • Cost Dimensions – define the dimensions for reporting purposes
  • Issue Type – modify the picking method of inventory transaction per product
  • Mass Replace – replace selected materials and bill of materials within another material

 It is not too good to be true!

The solution exists and it is part of an SAP certified industry solution for process manufacturing called ProcessForce, which is a core part of the Signum Solutions Industry Edition for SAP Business One.  What’s more, it’s tried and tested for both food and chemical process manufacturing companies.  For more information, call us on 01244 676900 or email

Not convinced?

If you’re still not convinced that this solution can save your business time, money and a great deal many headaches for many years to come, have a look at how this solution has worked for our customers in some of our manufacturing case studies.

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